The automations can be used only once the integration has been set up and connected to the Clockify Account.
You will need to Install the Luxie Tech Integration to connect the Clockify app to your monday.com account.
- Visit the integration centre on the top right-hand side of your board.
- Select the Client & Projects feature.
- Select your required Recipe by clicking on "Add to board".
- When directed, enter your personal Clockify API token, which can be found by logging into your Clockify Account.
- Your Clockify API Token can be found by selecting your avatar (top right-hand side in your Clockify Account).
Click on "Profile settings".
Scroll down to your Clockify API Token and select "Generate" to get an API Key:
This will take you to configure the recipe you had chosen in step three. - When directed, you can add, update or remove webhook connections to your Clockify workspace.
- Click on "Add new webhook" (3 webhooks need to be created).
- Manage your Clockify Webhooks by visiting Avatar -> Profile Settings -> Webhooks -> Manage webhooks in Clockify.
- Click on "Create New".
- Enter a Name, Endpoint URL and select the Event to trigger the Webhook.
The Endpoint URL should be: https://monday-clockify.mapps.luxie.tech/clockify/webhook.
The following events are currently supported: Timer Stater, Timer Stopped, Time Entry Updated.
Once you have filled these values, click on "Create" - Once created, return back to the Manage Webhooks page, and enter the Webhook Name and Clockify Signing Secret.
Each Webhook has a unique signing secret. - Click on Add. Once created, you can Add or Delete Webhook connections.
Once you have created the 3 webhooks, it should look similar to the image below where you have 3 names and 3 signing secrets. - You can have up to 100 Webhooks per Clockify workspace.
- Once you have added/updated your required Webhooks, click on "Return to monday.com".
This will redirect you back to monday.com to finalise the recipe configuration.
Each individual user that configures an integration recipe is required to authorise Clockify.
You will only need to complete this authorisation process once.
For further assistance, please contact support@luxie.tech or submit a ticket
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